Category Archives: Pregnancy

Alternative Gifts To Celebrate the Birth of a Baby

From tiny clothes and cozy blankets to soft toys, people love to bring or send presents for new babies. It’s hard to resist these adorable items, but offering a gift to another member of the family could be a welcome alternative. Here are some ideas of what to give in honor of the baby.

Image by Nico H. from Pixabay

Something for Mom

A typical new mother is exhausted from around-the-clock feedings and perhaps feeling a little less like herself. Something specifically for her, such as a spa or nail salon gift card, will give her the occasion to pamper herself. Another gift card option is one for her favorite clothing store. After months in maternity clothes, she’ll most likely be ready for a new outfit. For the mom who needs some encouragement, a book of short inspirational quotes or meditations may be just what she needs. If she finds comfort in doing meditation, she may also enjoy psychic readings being offered by a spirit guide to uplift her mood.

Something for Siblings

If the baby has older brothers or sisters, they may feel jealous and overshadowed by the noticeable focus on the newborn. When siblings receive special attention from friends and family members, they may be more inclined to celebrate the new little one. Bringing the older child new toys or games can make them feel noticed and appreciated. Cookie bouquets are another great option for young children and bigger kids, since they are fun to look at and delicious to eat. 

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Something for Dad

The father of the new baby might just be the most overlooked family member. He may not want to admit it, but a first-time father can feel hesitant about his new role and wish for some guidance. A parenting book just for dads can make him feel more prepared and connected. Even an experienced dad might like a journal to record memories of the baby’s early life from his unique perspective. 

Providing gifts for the many needs of a newborn is one way to support the family, but it’s fine to change things up. Bringing presents for the baby’s family members can convey encouragement for them in their very important new roles.

3 Unique Baby Shower Gift Ideas

If you have been invited to attend a baby shower for a friend, you obviously want to bring the perfect gift. Cute baby clothes are a go-to since they are fun to shop for, but it is likely that the mom-to-be is going to be inundated with clothing, much of which the baby will never even get to wear. If you are stumped on what to give, here are some unique gift ideas that your friend will love.

Image by Annie Spratt from Pixabay


Children’s books make great baby shower gifts. Give books that you or your own children loved for a personal touch, and write a message inside on the title page. Reading to babies has numerous benefits, including building memory and vocabulary skills, so your gift will help the new baby to grow and to develop mentally.

Willow Tree New Life

Interesting Keepsakes

A lovely keepsake, such as Willow tree figurines, is a heartfelt gift that you friend is sure to love. Choose one with a baby theme, or one that represents her pregnancy. A small item like this is easy for your friend to place anywhere in her home, and will make her think of you whenever she sees it.

Photo by Hope House Press – Leather Diary Studio on Unsplash

A Pregnancy Journal

Your friend may have a baby book to fill as soon as the baby is born, but a journal that she can fill out while she is pregnant can also be fun and useful to reference down the road. Should she experience another pregnancy, she can look back through her notes to remind herself of how she felt and what she was doing at certain stages. 

Picking the perfect gift for a soon-to-be-mom can be tough, especially if this is her first child. However, there are many fun ways to surprise your friend if you want something unique that isn’t on the gift registry. 

What Does a Doula Do?

Expectant mothers have dozens of choices to make throughout their pregnancy and birthing process. The job of a doula Tampa is to use their expertise and experience to guide you through many of those choices in advance, and help you when it comes time to have your baby. Here are some of the benefits doulas can provide.

Photo by 东旭 王 on Unsplash

One-on-One Service

Many mothers-to-be hire midwives to assist with their birthing plans. They provide great care, but a midwife typically handles many women at once. With a doula Tampa, you will be working one-on one with a dedicated person throughout your pregnancy.

Birth Preparation

Doulas also work with moms-to-be on their birth plans. This can start at the very beginning, and gradually develop as the months go on. They will work with you to advise and decide on a variety of topics, such as whether you plan on having an epidural to ease pain during delivery and your feelings on caesarian section surgery if necessary. If you have a special preference such as an at-home delivery, they can use their experience to talk you through its pros and cons and lay out how it will work if you decide to go that route.


Perhaps the most important job of a doula Tampa is to be your advocate in the delivery room. With every delivery, complications and choices, both big and small can occur. Through their months with you, your doula will know your preferences and wishes well enough to speak on your behalf and communicate with doctors and delivery staff. In the heat of the moment, you have enough to worry about without having to articulate your wishes while in labor. The doula can do this for you.

The expertise and experience of a doula can allow you to focus on the joy of bringing a baby into the world without getting caught up in the medical process more than necessary.