Category Archives: Personal

Virtual Toast for the Holidays

Despite repeated warnings by health experts, many continuously violate the health and safety protocols of Covid19. We have seen people posting on social media big gatherings of family members with their relatives and friends outside their home on Christmas Eve.  

Face-to-face parties outside the home are still prohibited this holiday season. Why don’t we listen to the warnings of experts? This way, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from getting Covid.

Photo by Gabriel Tovar on Unsplash

On New Year’s Eve, please do not invite your relatives and friends to any physical parties. There is too much at stake if you hold an activity outdoors. Why not invite them to a zoom party. People are doing this worldwide. I think a virtual party is more fun and does not require you to dress up and prepare a lot of food on the table. Let’s be patient, please. We have been in this situation for several months now; let’s wait for a few more until the vaccine reaches the country.

Even with the dramatic turn of events, let us claim a better 2021 for everyone.  Happy holidays and please stay safe.

Let’ have a virtual toast for a healthier life in 2021!

Dressing Up Tips for Plus Size Women

It’s no mean feat raising a family that sometimes you tend to neglect yourself in the process. I’m guilty of this one. I haven’t given enough time for myself or take care of my health. The last thing I regretted was gaining those unwanted pounds over the years. 

Photo taken from my fitness journey post

With the excess pounds and age, too, dressing up becomes so difficult. It is frustrating to look for the right style and color of clothes to wear. Even if I don’t go out often, owning a few pairs of pants and presentable blouses can bring out the confidence in you. 

I’m glad I found this very helpful tip on the Internet. How to Dress Up Tips for Plus Size Women from

Choose pieces that draw the eye to your best features.
Wear fitted clothing to flatter your figure.
Play around with trends that you like.

Here’s the basic tips summary. You can check the page for more wardrobe advice

If you’re overweight and you want to build a strong wardrobe, use light colors to draw people’s eyes to areas you like while camouflaging your least favorite attributes with dark colors. Stick to small prints, since large prints can make you look bigger, and choose diagonal and vertical stripes over unflattering horizontal stripes. You can also wear well-fitting, supportive undergarments under your outfit to prevent unflattering lines or bulges! Keep reading for tips on having a successful shopping trip. — 

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30-minutes Self-care Tips for Moms

I’ve got these very useful tips from for moms out there to spare a few precious minutes to take care of themselves — self-care tips for you and me.

“Running allows me to set my mind free. Nothing seems impossible. Nothing unattainable.” — Kara Goucher, Olympic long-distance runner

If you have 30 minutes for self-care.

  • Borrow your kid’s coloring book, put on a Spotify playlist you like, and start coloring.
  • Write down something that’s bothering you or keeping you up at night. Then start thinking about the steps you need to take in order to complete the goal, working backward. So if selling your house is something on your mind, think about all of the steps that are getting in your way of doing it (i.e. fix the leaky roof, have the basement repaired, paint the porch, etc.).
  • Stash your phone in your pocket and go on a nature walk.
  • Make yourself some tea and take a soothing bath.
  • Cue up your favorite workout and get exercising.
  • Set up a phone date with a friend you’ve lost touch with. Make sure they’re available to chat with you too.
  • Go to a bookstore and dive into a book or your favorite magazines.
  • Start and complete a mini art project. Maybe it’s turning the pictures on your phone into an album.