I’ve got these very useful tips from popsugar.com for moms out there to spare a few precious minutes to take care of themselves — self-care tips for you and me.

If you have 30 minutes for self-care.
- Borrow your kid’s coloring book, put on a Spotify playlist you like, and start coloring.
- Write down something that’s bothering you or keeping you up at night. Then start thinking about the steps you need to take in order to complete the goal, working backward. So if selling your house is something on your mind, think about all of the steps that are getting in your way of doing it (i.e. fix the leaky roof, have the basement repaired, paint the porch, etc.).
- Stash your phone in your pocket and go on a nature walk.
- Make yourself some tea and take a soothing bath.
- Cue up your favorite workout and get exercising.
- Set up a phone date with a friend you’ve lost touch with. Make sure they’re available to chat with you too.
- Go to a bookstore and dive into a book or your favorite magazines.
- Start and complete a mini art project. Maybe it’s turning the pictures on your phone into an album.