I did some spring cleaning at home, and it was quite liberating to accomplish so much in just two days. I completed 90% of my pre-Holy Week to-do list!
My older kids finally let go of their childhood items, including magazines and stuffed toys. While disposing of these huggable toys, I felt a bit sentimental, so I set aside some of them and kept them hidden until I have a cabinet to display them in permanently.
Do you remember these toys? My kids finally bid them goodbye. I decided to give a sack full of toys to the grandchildren of the old lady who did our laundry for over eight years.
In addition to toys, I also gave away some old clothes, bags, and shoes to Manang. The remaining items are scheduled to be sent to their new owners in General Santos City, mostly my husband’s young nieces and nephews.
I also got rid of stacks of papers, pamphlets, and magazines that had accumulated over the years while I was still working. I kept some documents that I think might be helpful for future blog posts.
While nursing a bad stomach, I completed the cleaning in two days. Although I still have some cabinets to clear out and laminate flooring to install this week, I’m happy to say that my home is less chaotic now.