Tag Archives: saving tips

Spring Cleaning Your Budget

It is time for spring cleaning, and those backsplash tiles aren’t the only things that are messy. Chances are your budget could use a little cleaning too. Focusing on just a few areas can yield hundreds in savings each month.

Get Insurance Quotes

Your mortgage may be fixed for 30 years, but your homeowner’s insurance is a different story. Car insurance rates also change drastically over time as drivers age, liens shrink and tickets drop off your record. Spend an afternoon reviewing your coverage and average costs in your area. You may want to email or call your current agent, but also do a search like insurance quotes lodi ca in case a move to a new company is in order.

Consider New TV Strategies

Cable and satellite television rates keep going up but watching television can become cheaper than ever. Options like Apple TV require a pricey initial outlay for equipment but allow subscriptions that add up to just a fraction of your current monthly bill. No matter which devices or services you choose, most alternatives will produce an overall savings in just a few months.

Look At Different Phone Plans

Mobile phone carriers raise rates regularly, but people often stay with the same carrier year after year just to avoid the hassles of switching. If you live in a place where coverage varies little from one provider to another, switching may be worth the hassle. Prefer to stay with your current carrier? Okay, but remember companies offer new plans all the time. Review your actual usage and see if one of the more recent packages will serve your needs while saving you money.

Eat At Home More

Add up what you spend each month on restaurant food, including nice dinners out and grabbing a quick lunch on the go. You will be shocked. It is much cheaper and healthier to make food yourself. This one is better for your wallet and your waistline—how can you go wrong?

How Janitorial Businesses Can Save Money

reclaimed textiles

Owning a janitorial business offers many benefits. It allows a person to have a flexible schedule since most cleaning jobs are done in the evening, at night, or on the weekends. It does not require a person to invest a lot of money to get it started. It is something that can be done by just one person, or the business can be expanded to a point where the owner no longer has to do any cleaning because they have employees. Here are some tips on how owners of janitorial businesses can save money.

Does your business offer the use of natural cleaning products? At first glance, this may seem like a more expensive option. However, the reality is that this is often a less expensive option. When you use products like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon, you are using products that are very inexpensive and are available right at a local grocery store. The fact that you offer natural cleaning products is likely going to be appealing to many of your clients, especially ones who are more health conscious. You simply have to look at the natural cleaning product options that are available, compare costs, and then add this as an option when advertising your services.

Another way to save money is to purchase the items that you use regularly in bulk. Instead of buying individual bottles of cleaning supplies, purchase them in gallons. When you buy rags and mops, do not just buy a few at a time. Purchasing cleaning cloths wholesale is going to save you a lot of money. Check out local thrift stores and see about reusing cheap towels and other items that they have available.

Planning ahead and mapping out where cleaning jobs need to be done can save you money in gas and labor if you have employees who work with your business. For example, many janitorial businesses offer housecleaning services. Try to organize the houses in a way that allows you or your employees to clean houses that are close to each other at the same time. This will reduce expenses.

Tips about saving up for the New Year

More often than not, people lose money during the holiday season. Most people cannot help but spend a lot on different things that they will not actually need but feel that they want. People always know that they need to save better but they do not know where to start. Here are some tips that can help you out:

piggy bank

  • When you get extra money, make sure that you invest more than 50% of it on your savings while the other 50% will be used for the things and want.
  • Invest in stocks or place your money in banks because this will help your money grow without putting too much effort on it.
  • Before purchasing anything, think about it first. There’s nothing worse than experiencing buyer’s remorse.

You can always find a way to make saving up for the New Year work for you.

Image credit: Ambro – FreeDigitalPhotos.net