Tag Archives: C-Lium

Fit more fiber into your life

In spite of changing diet trends, people still go back to one thing that has always been known to be a safe and natural way to stay healthy – fiber. Classified as an indigestible carbohydrate that packs far less calories, fiber is highly regarded by doctors for its cleansing properties and amazing health benefits.

But how much do you know about fiber? And more importantly, how much fiber do you need in your diet? C-Lium, a trusted name in fiber supplementation from Pascual Consumer Healthcare Corp., shares these interesting facts about this essential nutrient and how it helps in preventive healthcare.

• Soluble and Insoluble Fiber. Fiber is classified into soluble and insoluble. While both are good for the body, each has a unique function and provides a different set of health benefits. Insoluble fiber stimulates bowel movement in the digestive tract by boosting your stool bulk. Wheat-based food, nuts, bran seeds and skin of some fruits and vegetables are great sources of insoluble fiber. Meanwhile, Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance when mixed with water. Many foods contain soluble fiber like oats, soybeans, peas, bananas, apples, certain vegetables and psyllium in C-Lium Fibre. A tablespoon (5 grams) of C-Lium Fibre packs up to 14 times more fiber than oatmeal or cereal. It swells fifty times its size when mixed with liquid (i.e. water, juice, etc.), is gluten-free and contains zero additives and preservatives. Because C-Lium Fibre is 100% plant material-based, it doesn’t have any serious side effects to the body.

• The Fiber Man. In the 70s, an Irish doctor and researcher, Denis Burkitt, made a major contribution to medical science when he and his colleagues published a paper which concluded that fiber can prevent certain diseases like heart attack, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, blood clots, varicose veins, gallstones, hemorrhoids and even colon cancer. Dr. Burkitt would later be known as “The Fiber Man.”

• Fiber Activity. Aside from keeping blood sugar levels under control and lowering the risk of coronary heart disease, fiber is a natural fat absorber that may aid in weight management. Soluble fiber like C-Lium causes a feeling of fullness, thus reducing hunger pangs and food intake.

• Diet rich in fiber. Foods, when processed, undergo change including its fiber content. Thus it is highly recommended to go for unprocessed food to get the maximum fiber benefit. For instance, opt for a whole apple with peel on instead of apple sauce or apple juice, which contains 3.7 grams of fiber compared to 1.5 grams of fiber for a half cup of apple sauce. If you’re not taking enough fiber, you can always augment your daily fiber needs with supplements like C-Lium. The Philippine Department of Science and Technology – Food and Nutrition Research Institute recommends the intake of 20-25 grams of fiber each day, while the American Diatetic Association recommends about 20- 35 grams for healthy adults. Take a tablespoon or 5 capsules twice-a-day of C-Lium Fibre daily to help promote regular digestive activity, maintain good cholesterol and regulate the body’s blood sugar.

With today’s dizzying array of food choices, one can easily get lost in a world where health takes a back seat. That is why it is important to have food supplements that can prevent certain illnesses yet are still within easy reach like C-Lium Fibre. Available in two formats, husk and capsules, C-Lium Fibre is easy to drink and can be taken with your favourite food and drinks.


The best food supplement for a healthy lifestyle (the C-lium experience)

C-Lium Fibre, the well renowned product that promotes health and wellness program, once again proved its worth as a best food supplement available in the market as evidenced by the astounding reviews of people who have discovered its wonders.

These reviews and testimonies were chronicled in the recently concluded event, “C-lium Lose More, Live More Bloggers’ Edition” last September 20 at the Medicard Lifestyle Center, Makati City. The event was participated in by bloggers in Metro Manila.

During the event, 14 C-Lium brand ambassadors as well as the winners of the C-Lium online promo were presented. Each of them were given at least a minute to present themselves in the stage and show how C-Lium enhanced their figures. The ambassadors, who battled it out for the 30-day challenge, executed demonstrations on proper nutrition and various exercise routines.

The transformations in each of the participants were also revealed through the brief video presentation during the event. The before-and-after photos of the ambassadors were proofs to their C-Lium Lose More, Live More journey.

The Biggest Losers

During the event, the names of the winners in each of the contest categories were also announced. Azrael Coladilla was adjudged the winner in the Largest Amount of Weight Loss, which was measured through the drop in Body Mass Index. Allan Ray Enriquez pegged the biggest drop in cholesterol level while Mauie Flores garnered the biggest reduction in sugar level.

The 10 winners for C-lium Fibre’s Lose More Live More Promo were also named, which included Pehpot Pineda, Nicquee Oblepias, to name a few.

My C-lium Experience

Being included as one of the ambassadors is perhaps one of the most exciting and unforgettable experiences I had so far.

I was hesitant at first, though. I was nervous during the whole duration of the presentation. Who would not be when all eyes and cameras were focus on you right at that very moment? I wasn’t even required to use fantastic microphones to introduce ourselves, but still I’m nervous.

Along with the other ambassadors, C-lium fibre has been my partner throughout the six-week challenge and I am still using the food supplement as part of a healthy lifestyle.

I’m so happy that I lost 7 pounds off the pre-challenge weight and I continue to lose more until now.

Commitment To Stay Fit

The C-lium Lose More, Live More Bloggers’ Edition challenge may have ended, but my commitment to reach my goal to lose more and stay fit will stay on.

I will continue to work harder to be able to reach my desired weight following the things I have learned throughout the challenge – proper nutrition and exercise.

You can also adapt different exercises that suit your stamina. The one that works for me is the 4-minute exercise, the work out of the day (WOD) I learned from Crossfit Manila, and 30 minutes to an hour of Zumba. I have also added different workout techniques for variation.

This is not the end but the beginning of a journey towards better health. Will keep you posted as I make an update of my weight loss progress hereon.

Our pre-pageant shot? This was taken shortly before the program starts.

A big thanks to the gorgeous men and women of C-Lium Fibre, Medicard, Crossfit Manila, SMLadiesFashion, Tipping Point Collective, Yehey, our FB support group and friends for the unrelenting support to achieve our goal towards better health and fitness.

My Journey to Better Health (Week 3): Tips to lose weight and live healthier

This is my third week into the weight-loss program. Last week I shared how much I enjoyed and still enjoying the benefits of exercise as well as the good effects of moderate food intake to my body. I don’t easily get tired from climbing the stairs and doing household chores like I usually do. The strenuous exercise and diet program have finally paid off, too, as I lost two pounds in two weeks. I am hoping to lose more before this challenge ends.

What I did this week?

Much as I’d like to, I really have to stop exercising for four days due to severe menstrual cramps. I know that moderate physical activity is not bad for someone with menstruation, but I can’t move or even stand up as I felt dizzy all the time. I was lying down for two days because of dysmenorrheal pains.

Hopefully I can start exercising again once I feel better.

For the meantime, here’s some tips to lose weight and live healthier from https://www.facebook.com/Clium.

For a healthy food intake

  • Be wise in your food choices. Set a goal to incorporate a variety of nutritious food cooked in healthy ways. Use low-fat methods such as baking, broiling, roasting or steaming.
  • When adding ingredients for cooking, be sure to replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats. Olive and canola oils can replace fatty additives, such as butter when preparing your meals.
  • Eating foods high in fat and cholesterol & having a low-fiber diet have been found to cause colon cancer. Get your best protection by eating healthier food options and incorporating high amounts of fiber in your diet.
  • Fruits are a good dietary source of soluble fiber. Be it fresh, frozen or canned, they essentially help in regulating your bowel movement.
  • Trade your bag of chips for dried fruits and nuts. These low-fat and high fiber food will keep your body in tip-top shape.
  • For those who want to lose weight, increase your fiber intake. Food with fiber requires more chewing time, thus, making you feel full for a longer period of time.
  • Snack on whole wheat crackers to make the most of their high fiber content and choose brown bread, pasta and rice as opposed to their white counterparts.

Be physically fit

  • Find a hobby that you love and turn it into an exercise routine. Try dancing, walking, gardening, yoga, cycling, playing basketball and many more. Choose an activity that fits your lifestyle.
  • Regular exercise is necessary for physical fitness and good health. It reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases.
  • Exercise Tip: Keep a journal of your work-out routines everyday to keep you motivated and to show how much you have improved since Day 1.
  • Aside from the usual routines like running and biking, you can try a more intense and challenging fitness program that will keep your heart pumping and your muscles contracting such as TRX suspension. Exercises like this allow you to work all of your muscles simulatenously (back, biceps, rear delts, traps, forearms, hamstrings) so your entire posterior chain is already hard at work.

Achieve your fitness goals and improve your overall health and wellness, check out http://www.clium.com.ph/losemore to find all the tools you need to start making the smarter choice towards looking young and feeling young.

Watch out for my Week 4 update. (I really hope to get well before the big day.)