Hubby used to consume five or more sticks of cigarettes a day. He quit smoking when he developed a smoker’s cough, a kind of cough seen in smokers which develop as a consequence of phlegm build up in the trachea. If during those times electric cigarette was already in the market I might recommend it to him while he is gradually adjusting to the occasional cravings. Electronic cigars are battery-operated device used by experts as harm-reduction strategy in the treatment of nicotine addiction. Electronic cigars provides the same flavor and physical sensation of the traditional cigarette. However, it doesn’t give off harmful smoke. They only produce water vapor from the purified, liquid nicotine. I’m not promoting smoking as I’m totally against it and do not like to see my kids puffing a stick one day. My husband said electronic cigarette can help heavy smokers ease their cravings as they gradually withdraw the bad habit.
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