Category Archives: Education

New school

My son is adjusting well to his new school. Hubby and I believed that we have made the right decision in heeding to our son’s request to have him transferred to a different school. It’s not that we don’t like the previous school, but we are looking for a different teaching approach that would improve our child’s study habits. He (son) used to be a diligent student and wouldn’t go to class without an assignment, but things weren’t the same last school year. He (almost) lost interest in attending school. He got low grades because of tardiness. He doesn’t have a good relationship with some of his classmates. I thought we could not get over this dilemma until we came into a decision to look for another school.

The new school is a little farther from the old one. It caters to few students per year level. At the first parent-teacher meeting last Sunday (which hubby attended on my behalf), parents were told that students will no longer be given take home assignments and projects, instead all school activities will be completed in school. This is a welcome development for us since my son will not be burdened by numerous assignments and projects. He will have more time to rest after school. They only need to bring a notebook and pen, and water (snack are available at the school canteen) everyday. Worksheets are provided for each subject.

So far, my son said he hasn’t encountered any problem in school except for his math subject. Good thing, the new school is offering tutorial classes for students to catch up with difficult subjects.

Hubby and I hope that the new school would be able to help our son fully restore his interest in studying and that he would find real and supportive friends.

Preparing Financially for College Education

One of the problems of parents now is sustaining enough money to send their children to college. Colleges and universities tend to cost a lot of money. Plus, there are always extra expenses that parents should be prepared for beforehand. Unless you have a lot of money stashed somewhere, saving up for college education can be started as early as possible.

You may wonder how much you would need to put in every year. This depends on you and your estimate of how much college education would cost the moment your child tries to find a college of his or her choice. You can start by taking 5% of your monthly salary to a separate bank account. You can then add money to it every month plus, the interest of the bank will also make the money higher in the right time. Putting it on a separate bank account will work better than trying to keep it at home because you would need to exert extra effort in withdrawing the money just in case you would want to use it.

Remember that college education is important at this day and age when most people who get steady jobs and are financially stable are those who were given a chance to study college. It is your duty as a parent to give this to your child.

Advice for students entering college

My daughter will be in college next year and I’d like her to remember some helpful tips about college life.

Stay away from “bad company” because you don’t have time to waste with people that have no intentions of learning. (Kinda harsh but this is true.)

Study but don’t over study. Read your lessons in advance to avoid cramming.

Don’t depend too much on lecturers, unlike high school the lecturers will tell you a whole lot of things. Back in high school the teachers probably paid more attention to you. It’s different in college. You will be required to do and write more research papers on difficult topics like paternity testing.

Most importantly, always eat breakfast before going to school to give your brain a head start.