There are plenty of ways to reduce stress in your life, from exercise to meditation to simple self care. But did you know arts and crafts can also help you relax and unwind from the tensions of the day? The act of focusing on something that’s pleasant and enjoyable helps activate different areas of your brain while taking your mind off of your stressors. So, plan a trip to your favorite craft store long beach ca and try one of these activities to increase your creativity and decrease the stress in your life.

Coloring or Paint By Number
Coloring for adults is now a huge trend, and for good reason. If you love to make beautiful pictures but aren’t an accomplished artist, coloring books for grownups can help you create detailed finished products while giving you the guidelines for a beautiful design. Pick up some high-quality markers and color in a relaxing spot in your home. If painting is more your style, pick up a paint by number kit and create a replica of some of your favorite well-known masterpieces.
Knitting or Crocheting
The repetitive motion of knitting or crocheting can be very calming, and is relatively easy to pick up if you’re just starting out. Select a good instruction book for beginners, or find some online tutorials for simple pieces you’d like to make. Select yarns in colors and materials you truly love and start making scarves, hats, blankets and simple dish cloths. With a little practice, you may find yourself ready to tackle more complex projects in no time.
Jewelry Making
There are so many materials and options when it comes to designing your own jewelry. Start with the basics by finding a design book or taking a class for beginners to learn how to properly string and secure beads, weave fabric cords or twist and shape wires. Once you’ve mastered basic techniques, the possibilities are endless!
If you’re looking for new ways to manage the stress in your life, consider a new creative hobby. You may find a new passion in the process!