Tag Archives: PBB Big Night

Who’s your bet?

With only a few days left before the big night, fans and supporters of the PBB Teen Clash of 2010 are excited whom to vote for. I’m sure everyone has their bet, right? I’m not really a big, as in, although I watch it when time permits me. I think fans are rooting for a pair to win during the big night. I have a couple of deserving teeners in mind. One of whom is Ivan Dorschner (Ivan Dorsner). The 19-year-old guy from Mission Hills, California, is not only good-looking but has the kind of leadership trait that sets him apart from his remaining peers inside the PBB house. I kind of admire this young fellow because he is down-to-earth and works well with other housemates if presented with certain task at hand.


If you think Ivan deserves to win, you can Vote for Ivan Dorschner (Ivan Dorsner) at the links provided in my post. Or you can visit Ivan Dorschner (Ivan Dorsner) at his FB fan site. Whoever wins during the big night is deserving of the big prizes at stake. I just hope their being popular will not get in their heads once they are propelled into stardom.