In recent years, the Montessori approach to education has gained much popularity. Montessori learning is often characterized by hands-on learning and student-led activities. Each subject area takes a unique approach to the Montessori method; in the early years mathematics tends to include wooden counters and blocks while language arts may include wooden letters to practice spelling and books that correspond with other subject areas. When looking for Montessori classroom materials, there are a number of places to look.

Teacher Resource Store
Many teacher resource stores will have Montessori materials. Some of these stores may even have designated areas for these types of resources. Montessori tools are typically made of the most natural materials possible such as wood. Montessori materials are designed to encourage creative play, so try to steer clear of anything over-the-top with bright flashing lights and noises.
Thrift Store
Montessori resources do not have to be brand new, modern pieces of equipment. The great thing about this educational style is that everyday objects can quickly turn into Montessori tools. You never know what resources might turn into valuable Montessori math materials.
Toy Store
At a toy store, look for objects that are designed to encourage the child’s imagination. Instead of a plastic play kitchen, perhaps choose felt foods or wooden play foods, trying to choose the most natural and organic materials possible. A set of alphabet blocks and an abacus are favorites among Montessori educators.
Finding quality Montessori materials does not have to be costly or difficult; when you understand the principles surrounding the Montessori educational style you can find valuable resources everywhere you look. If you are interested in the Montessori method, consider speaking to a local learning center or school that incorporates these principles. This educational method is sure to be around for years to come.