Tag Archives: intern

Second internship program

I’ve always been supportive of my children’s endeavor especially my daughter who is in final year of college. She is currently doing her internship at a popular publishing company. She is assigned to do some designing at the online counterpart of the magazine.

Here’s sharing one of her artworks that she submitted to the company before she was taken in as intern. Showing her dream to travel. 

Digital artwork by NVT

Digital artwork by NVT

Internship and relaxation

Internship isn’t a bed of roses for my daughter. If given an extra time she might still use them to draw or paint. That’s how diligent she is. But don’t think she’s not having fun at all. She knows when to relax and enjoy a bit of her favorite activities in between her busy intern sked. She listens to her favorite FM radio station to relax after a hard day’s work. I guess if she can play a musical instrument she could use her spare time to play one even an instrument found at guitar center baton rouge.