Tag Archives: halloween costume

Cost-effective costume and makeup for halloween


Kids and kids at heart are excited about Halloween parties. It is in this occasion that they are able to showcase their creative side wearing the best to the scariest costumes they can think of. And since we are talking about creativity, you can make use of about anything that you can find inside the closet or stack of unused clothes and knickknacks at home. You don’t have to break your piggy bank in order to come up with the best Halloween costume. An old shirt and some dark colored makeup will do the trick. I know that you’re thinking of a zombie makeup, right? It’s popular and there are several how-to videos on the web to guide you. You can copy or make an improved version of your own. You can check http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Make-Zombie-Makeup/ to do a simple zombie makeup. Now, start digging for materials and just a word of advice: be safe when you use or apply makeup to avoid skin irritation. Have fun!

Image source:  Zombie costumeÂ