Tag Archives: Good Blog Design

My dream blog makeover

Kaye  is the designer behind a number of good-looking sites that you may have encountered while blog hopping around. You can easily spot Kaye’s Good Blog Design from the rest. She can do Customized wordpress themes or design on a blogger platform. So if you are looking forward to a blog makeover, here’s your chance to avail, or in this case, win cool new Blog designs by Kaye of WAHMaholic Designs.

WAHMaholic’s Blog Makeover Giveaway

Here’s what’s up for grab:

Up to $100 worth of WordPress or Blogger Makeover including:

  • custom header and footer
  • custom background
  • custom favicon
  • custom navigation bar
  • custom post footer (for Blogger)
  • fancy post title font
  • 125×125 button/badge
  • personalized signature
  • fancy comment section
  • layout style of winner’s choice
  • and anything else that will make the makeover fab :wink2: