Practical ways to save on Christmas expenses

As a homemaker, one of the many practical things you can do to stretch you budget for the Christmas season is through recycling. You can start with reusing Christmas ornaments that are just collecting dust in your cabinet or stockroom. A little cleaning would make them look as if they were brand new. You can also try a little experiment by mixing and matching the designs to give it a fresh perspective.

If you have a penchant for do-it-yourself projects, you can try your hand on some DIY Christmas decors. Why would you spend on something that you can actually create by using available materials at home? With a little creativity, you can make your own gift tags, gift wrapper, and yes, even set up your own Christmas tree out of old newspapers and magazines. I’ve seen a blogger friend made this and they look so cute.

To get you started, you can check for numerous DIY projects on the internet. You can copy the designs as is or create your own version. Possibilities are endless. There are more practical means to save and stretch your budget for the holidays besides recycling Christmas ornaments.

How about you? What are the money-saving tips that have been proven to work for you?

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