Category Archives: Cleaning tips

How to Know It’s Time to Call Pest Control

Your home is your castle. If you find that it’s under siege by unwanted invaders, inside or out, it’s time to call for back-up. Don’t let insects and vermin take over without a fight. A professional can find a solution for every type of situation.

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Pests Inside the Home

Everyone knows how repulsive it feels to learn you have mice or other rodents inside your home. They’re destructive and can carry disease. If you’ve discovered your predicament is bigger than simply setting a mouse trap, a pest control Cape Coral can get the problem under control. Other types of inside nuisances include termites, ants, roaches and fleas. These infestations need to be dealt with swiftly before they get worse. 

Lawn Treatments for Outside Plagues

As bad as outbreaks inside the home are, there are many that can crop up outside as well. Think of fire ants, grubs, aphids and even ticks. Not only are they a danger to you and your children, but they’re also a threat for pets. Additionally, they may destroy your property. Your lawn can be safely treated to eliminate them without damaging the grass or other animals.

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When to Call an Expert

When you realize your pest trouble is beyond your scope, it’s best to call in a professional. Experts not only know how to eliminate this headache, but they can inspect your home and find where it originates. They know exactly what to look for so the invasion won’t reoccur.

Defending Your Home

If you’ve had an unfortunate run-in with rodents and bugs at home, then you know how important it is to take care of it as soon as possible. It’s bad enough when the problem is small, but if you find you have an issue that’s on a larger scale, you don’t have the time or the resources to take it on alone. Pest control will help your life get back to normal fast.

Tips to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

Along with ants and termites, spiders are another pest that most people do not want living in their homes. Pest control can decrease the chances of spiders making your home their home. So what are some tips to follow for spider pest control?

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Get Rid of Other Bugs

Spiders are carnivores, meaning they eat other insects. A large number of spiders in a house typically means they have a large food source present. Spray insecticides along cracks and crevices of the home to decrease the number of other insects. As the numbers of other insects in your home diminish, the number of spiders may decrease as well.

Keep Your Home Vacuumed

Spiders tend to make their homes in quiet, sheltered areas away from the traffic of the home. Vacuum hard to reach areas under beds and couches, on ceilings and between furniture and walls. Once done vacuuming, the contents should be bagged and placed immediately outside.

Image courtesy of Pansa at

Keep Your Yard Trimmed

Some species of spiders will use shrubbery as shelter, and by keeping these areas trimmed back from the house, you can decrease chances of spiders entering from outside. Also, be mindful when bringing in items from outside as spiders can hitch a ride in boxes and grocery bags that have been left unattended. Check these items over before bringing them into the home.

Call in the Experts

If all your efforts do not seem to make a difference in the number of spiders you are seeing, you could have an infestation that will require licensed exterminators. Exterminators can perform targeted treatments based on their knowledge of spiders in the area, ensuring that they are handling your concerns properly.

While spiders can be good at keeping other bugs at bay, they can still be a concern inside your home. Proper preventative measures can keep these eight-legged pests to a minimum.

Breathe Cleaner Air With Clean Ducts

Allergens find a way to make it into the home and increase symptoms like sneezing, coughing, a runny nose, or watery eyes. Dust, mold, pollen, and other irritants can lurk on the surfaces of your ducts, giving you a blast of these particles everytime you use the HVAC system. Duct cleaning is a simple solution that can bring almost instant relief.

Why should my ducts get cleaned?

The ducts are the conduit that brings cooled or heated air to every room in your home. The surface can become coated with dust, pet dander, pet hair, mold, mildew, cooking particulates, and other allergens. It can reduce the quality of the air you breathe over time.

Is duct cleaning a messy job?

Expert air duct cleaning Fort Myers homeowners call on offer fast, reliable service that will not create a mess in the process. Technicians have all the equipment needed to access the ducts quickly and remove all of the built-up gunk. Your air will smell clean and fresh.

How often should I have my ducts cleaned?

Once a year is recommended for duct cleaning. You might want to consider more often if you have numerous pets, smokers, or anyone with asthma-related breathing problems. It will keep the air relatively dust and allergen-free. Anytime you want to feel that extra clean feeling in your home is a great time for duct cleaning.

Will duct cleaning aggravate my allergies?

Leaving allergens in your ducts to possibly re-enter the air you breathe will cause an allergy flare-up. As the allergens are removed by duct cleaning specialists, they are trapped in the cloth, unable to fly about freely. The process of duct cleaning should not cause any unexpected increase in allergy symptoms.

How long does duct cleaning take?

Depending on the size of ductwork in your home, most jobs can be completed in less than two hours. If the ducts are easy to access, you could have clean ducts and fresher air in an hour or less.

Air duct cleaning services are an affordable and easy way to keep the air in your home healthy to breathe. You’ll enjoy the lasting freshness.