Category Archives: Technology

What you Need to Know About Fire Sprinkler Inspection

The importance of fire sprinkler inspection like fire sprinkler inspection and testing NYC cannot be overstated. Without fire protection, you are opening yourself up to the risk of hefty insurance claims and other property damage. Not only is it essential to keep your building safe, but it will also save you from expensive fines. NFPA 25 stipulates a schedule for inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems. Failure to perform these inspections on time could result in hefty fines.

NFPA 25 

NFPA 25 is the standard for water-based fire protection systems. The document specifies the minimum inspection, testing, and maintenance procedures for water-based fire protection systems, but authorities with jurisdiction may require additional testing and reviews. The document is intended to ensure the reliability of water-based fire protection systems and maximize system integrity. Although the document was written in 1992, the latest edition is currently available.

In addition to NFPA 25 requirements for water-based fire protection systems, NFPA provides contractors guidance. Contractors who install or maintain water-based fire protection systems must follow the schedule set forth in NFPA 25. Failure to follow the schedule may result in a false alarm, which could put emergency personnel in a precarious situation.

Quarterly inspections are required

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), fire sprinklers should be inspected yearly. The schedule depends on the type of system and occupancy of the building. First, a visual inspection is performed on sprinkler heads and other system components. An annual inspection is more detailed, involving the exercise of control valves and flow testing of fire pumps. In both cases, the sprinkler inspection is necessary.

Fire sprinkler systems should be inspected quarterly, and a licensed company should perform these checks. The inspection must include a comprehensive record of the findings. A fire protection company should keep these records for at least a year and be readily available upon request. A fire sprinkler inspection protects your property against code violations and fire safety failures. You can schedule one of these inspections in advance by choosing a company that offers multiple locations.

Failure to do so can result in hefty fines

Failing to inspect fire sprinklers can have severe consequences for a business, including hefty fines. Not only can fire sprinklers fail, but they can also be damaged when the building is not occupied. In addition, if the sprinkler system fails to operate, an AHJ will require an inspection. The fire code NFPA 25 also mandates regular testing of fire sprinkler systems to ensure that they will operate properly and minimize the length of sprinkler outages.

The NFPA 25 provides guidelines for annual or quarterly inspections for different elements of a fire sprinkler system. For example, control valves must be checked at least once a year, while sprinklers must be tested every five years. Other system components require annual or quarterly testing, while some are subject to manufacturer-specific guidelines. It is important to understand all of the requirements before beginning a sprinkler inspection.

Cost of inspections

The cost of fire sprinkler inspections varies based on the size of the building and the number of tampers and risers. For a typical 52,000 sq. ft. building with one fire sprinkler riser and 1-3 tampers, the cost is between $1,500 and $2,000 per year. Even for smaller facilities, fire sprinkler inspections are an excellent investment. While the cost may seem prohibitive, a fire can cost tens of thousands of dollars in damages, and it is well worth the cost to protect your commercial property.

In addition to a fire sprinkler inspection, the team must dispose of water. The easiest way is through a hose. However, some facilities do not have these facilities and require technicians to fill barrels with water before testing the system. This will increase the overall cost of the fire sprinkler inspection because it will take more time for the team to empty the barrels and then retest them. In addition, in some instances, fire sprinkler inspections will be more expensive if the fire sprinklers are connected to a pre-action system.

Giving Your Pump System a Boost

A pump is a mechanical device used to move fluids such as oil, water, chemicals, and more. It provides vertical lift. Pumps are a necessity in many fields of work, such as oil refineries, lift stations, mining, sewer, and septic work, among others. In addition, pumps are a necessary tool in clean-up efforts; these devices have to be solid and dependable to support the daily jobs they are required to do and keep fluids moving quickly.

Vacuum Pumps

Vacuum pumps work by removing gas molecules or air particles from a sealed system. This creates a change in pressure that allows liquids to then flow through the pump or pipe system. Creating a pressure vacuum makes transferring all kinds of fluids very easy. You can make this process even more efficient by adding a power booster, which is a device made to do just that: boost the rate at which a fluid moves through the system.

The Benefits of Power Booster

This engineering marvel has different benefits; each of them seeks to help save time and money and make the job of cleaning up or moving essential liquids easier. 

Here are three benefits of using a power booster in a pump system.

1. They’re quick. The primary purpose of a power booster is to get things moving. So when your team turns on the pump, they will be able to increase productivity, saving a lot of time and money. This is especially true in disaster clean-up efforts when resources may be limited.

2. They’re compact. The typical power booster weighs about 10 pounds and is made with lightweight materials. This makes them easy to move and pack.

3. They’re powerful. Fast and compact doesn’t mean being weak, and the opposite is true with power boosters. They can be used with various types of systems and in different industries for varying purposes without letting anyone down.

3 Surprising Facts About Electronics Waste

Technology is moving faster than ever before. These advancements are exciting, but it’s causing a huge number of obsolete and unwanted electronics to pile up in landfills worldwide.

Electronic waste, sometimes called e scrap or e waste, is one of the fastest-growing waste streams on the planet. E waste is a broad term that includes devices such as cell phones, computers, televisions and many more tech gadgets.

1. Electronic Waste Can Cause Big Problems With Personal Data Security.

There are many obvious problems with electronic waste, and data security might be the most important overlooked concern. When you discard your old phone or computer in the regular trash, you could be subjecting your personal information to theft by criminal hackers.

Even if the device is broken, bank account numbers, social security numbers, tax documents and more may still be available. To safeguard your personal data, devices should always be recycled, which includes wiping and fully dismantling the technology prior to disposal.

2. Recycling Can Save Precious Metals.

Did you know that cell phones and laptops contain precious metals such as gold and silver? These metals are valuable and reusable if recycled properly. When you recycle your devices, the center will carefully remove these elements and repurpose them to be used in future projects.

Although the recycling process is effective, only about 15% of gold used in technology is ever recovered.

3. Recycling Can Prevent Hazardous Leaching.

Your devices contain much more than plastic and glass inside – they also contain trace elements of hazardous materials such as lead and chromium. In fact, the average color TV screen can contain up to 8 pounds of lead!

When these items are thrown in a landfill, these materials can leak out of the device over time. Eventually, the chemicals make their way into rivers and streams which can negatively impact both people and animals.

Although the situation may sound dire, there is a lot you can do to help, and it all begins with responsible recycling. Before you throw your old device in the trash, consider these facts and contact your local recycling center.