Category Archives: Relationship

Have more fun dating online with these tips

You should realize that attracting people when you are online will not be too hard. The selections seem to be endless. You are always bound to find someone whom you think is just amazing and will think of you the same way.

The world of online dating may seem to be daunting for some people. They would try to avoid online dating sites thinking that they would get scammed. A lot legitimate online dating sites do exist. What you have to do is to pick the dating site you will feel most comfortable in. They can allow you to meet the person of your dreams no matter who you are or what your preference is.

It can be easy to attract the right people that you can chat with online as long as you know some tips about what you should do.

Have an Attractive Profile Picture

It is okay to place an attractive picture that you feel is your best. It will make you feel confident about chatting with the people that you can chat with online. The more attractive you are, the more people who will try to chat with you to get your attention. It can be fun to get to know different people and select the ones that you find interesting in the long run. Just remember: do not edit your photo in such a way that you do not look like yourself anymore.

Add More Pictures of Yourself

If the online dating site allows it, then add more pictures of yourself. This will help people gauge if you look attractive for them. If there are some people who do not find you attractive, do not worry. Remember that beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. You may not be attractive to some but you will surely find quite a few that will think that you are the most beautiful person that they have seen in a long while. It can make you feel good whenever you are complimented, right?

Show Your Positive Side

One of the reasons why people do not get a lot of hits online is because they come across as picky. Take a look at your profile. Have you listed down all of the things that you do not like in partner? You will scare off those that you are not interested in. The ones that you do like may think that you are too good for them and will not bother chatting with you. You do not want that. You need to be positive. Show that you are a positive person and that you can be a bundle of laughs. The lighter your aura is, the more that people will become drawn towards you.

Look at Your Competition

Do you know what makes the world of online dating more fun? It is the fact that you are going to be competing with a lot of other women. You may not want to admit it but competition can be fun at times especially when you know that you are going to win. Take a look at the other people who have created their own profiles. You can check through their profiles how you can improve your own. Once you look at the competition, you can assess your own profile and decide if there are some things that you will change or not.

Enjoy the Whole Experience

Dating is not fun for some people because they are so uptight. They feel that they have to calculate each move that they make. Online dating isn’t like that. There will be moments when you can be spontaneous and just go with the flow. There will be moments when you will find yourself chatting with someone interesting for hours. There is a chance that you will not chat with the person again in the future but what matters is right now, you are happy. You are having fun. This is what makes online dating fun.

Learn More Things About Yourself.

There are some people who are quite surprised whenever they realize that dating has allowed them to learn more about what they want and what they need. Whenever you go on a date with someone, allow this to help you grow as a person. This means that even if you just get one date with someone and it does not progress to another date, think about it as a learning experience. What made you not want to meet up with the person again? The realizations will teach you to become wiser for your future dates.

Are you ready to start online dating? It will give you a lot of pleasant memories. Follow the tips above and have fun.

Repost: Sweet gestures


Hubby is not the demonstrative type. But it doesn’t mean he isn’t sweet.  We hold hands when we are watching TV in the living room or when we are traveling. Sometimes he would massage my back if I request (demand) for it. 😀 He would give me a pat on the back (as if saying kaya mo yan, hehe) when I’m washing the dishes or preparing the table. He would give me water or juice if I’m busy with something. I request him to assist me in certain task at home without complain and lately he does most of the tasks by himself especially when he knows that I’m rushing an assignment. That’s how my husband made me feel special although there are times I tend to overlook his kind gestures. On my part, I’m showing my affection by giving him a peck on the cheek or a smack. I would like to embrace him kahit na sobrang init ng panahon. I’m not sure if that’s trying to be mushy or what. But that’s what I am even to my kids. I like to kiss and embrace them when I have the chance to do it. When I’m in the mood I would give hubby a back and head massage, mix his favorite juice drink, and if time permits cook him his favorite Sinigang na ulo ng isda sa miso with matching kalamansi and sili for sawsawan. He loves that dish.


Cellphone shot

That’s how plain and simple we express ourselves as a couple, but most importantly we never forget to say I love you when we go to sleep at night and before ending our conversation on the phone. This is my cheesy post for Valentine’s Day. 🙂 Have a sweet and memorable celebration with your loved ones! 🙂


We have been married for 17 years and up to this very day, we still share the same ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’.

Nothing much has changed except that we both have lots of grey hair now and looked a little older, too. But those physical changes are inevitable, what is important is that we never get tired of loving and caring for each other no matter how many years (and marital conflicts) go by.

I’m re-sharing this sweet meme for couples from way back in 2010.

Our Dislikes

  • We don’t like crowded room/area, thus we’re not fond of attending big gatherings unless demanded by our respective jobs.
  • We don’t like loud people. But hubby managed to live with a nagging wife, just kidding.
  • We don’t like smokers and rowdy neighbors (both present in the billiard shop operated by our neighbor).
  • We are allergic to unexpected expenses…
  • He likes to read (Internet, newspaper) while I have yet to find time to finish the book that I started reading last summer.
  • He was kind of nagging me before because I spend more time in front of the computer, but when we started shopping online using the money I earned from blogging, he is thinking of helping me write my pending assignments. Am I seeing a future blogger in my husband? Not bad.

We agree on so many things

  • We both like to dine out especially when I was still working; we love spicy food.
  • We enjoy watching movies then, now we find comfort in watching DVDs at home.
  • We used to like shopping for clothes when we have extra cash. It’s difficult to kick the old habit, but we manage to satisfy our cravings for clothes at Ukay-Ukay or bargain shops.
  • We both like a small family. We are like supporting a two-child policy (if there will be).
  • We enjoy holding hands before we go to sleep. We enjoy it as much when we are riding a bus while taking a cat nap on our way to work.
  • He is goal-oriented while I’m a little laid-back. But we share the same dream of having a comfortable life. By that we mean living a debt-free life and have something in our pocket in times of need.
  • We are both looking forward to spending the next 17 or more years of our lives together as husband and wife. It’s our wedding anniversary today!

Happy Anniversary, hon! I love You forever and beyond…