Category Archives: Beauty secret

I go for natural acne treatment

I had my last acne treatment done in a skin clinic more than seven years ago and the procedure left blotchy and visible acne scar on my face. It would have been prevented had I return for the succeeding treatments. I heard about skin peeling and dermabrasion as proven acne scar treatment. Celebrities are even recommending their effectiveness. But for an ordinary stay-at-home mom like me, both procedures are not practical solution to my skin problem. It’s a good thing there are natural acne products or alternative treatment that can be applied at the convenience of our home.

Back to School

The kids will be back to school tomorrow after two weeks of absence. They will be presenting their medical certificate and excuse letter that we signed to their respective teachers before they can be given special exams. They’ve missed taking monthly tests when they got sick two weeks ago. Both were hospitalized due to dengue fever. The family is really thankful that the kids have recovered from the illness.

One minor problem that my daughter wants to solve before going back to school is how to get rid of whiteheads especially around the nose area. She accumulates whitehead after several days at the hospital without taking a bath. I think a facial wash will do the trick.

Pimply me

I have not given much attention to my face lately! My pimples are bothering me now because they are big and itchy like a sore on my face. I really hate the feeling. I’ve been using anti-bacterial facial scrub and water to remove dirt and oil off my face every morning, when I take a bath and before I retire at night. But it doesn’t seem to work.


What will I do with these pimples? I heard about tea tree oil for acne but I can’t just apply anything on my face without seeing a dermatologist. Problem is it’s quite expensive to visit a derma clinic. Money is hard to come by nowadays…hmm.